Looking at where we are globally, the uncertainties we are constantly facing including disruptions caused by the corona pandemic, tapping into our strengths could be the anchor we need to keep us going. That was the gist of the message that Dr Norah Clarke, Director: Entrepreneurship Development in Higher Education (EDHE), shared during Day Two of the recent EDHE’s Kick-off event on 25 March. The day was dedicated to a series of workshops focusing on Understanding Team Strengths as a tool to empower staff at public universities who are involved with the entrepreneurship programme.

For that day, Dr Clarke had invited Dr Timothy Hodges (left), Executive Director of CliftonStrengths Institute and Assistant Professor of Practice in Management from the University of Nebraska in the United States. Prior to taking up his current role with the university, he had worked as a research associate at Gallup, an analytics and advice consultancy group that helps leaders and organisations solve their most pressing problems. Gallup also conducts CliftonStrengths assessments for individuals who want to learn about their strengths and how they can use them to thrive. Having worked alongside Dr Don Clifton, the pioneer of positive psychology and strengths, Dr Hodges went on to share the Consultancy’s experience at the University of Nebraska’s business school — specifically in their entrepreneurship programme.