EDHE Entrepreneurship Intervarsity 2022
Entrepreneurship Development in Higher Education (EDHE) on behalf of the Department of Higher Education and Training and Universities South Africa (USAf) brings you the national finals of the EDHE Entrepreneurship Intervarsity 2022!
Event: EDHE Entrepreneurship Intervarsity 2022 national finals
Date: 17 November (Thursday)
Time: 10:30 to 17:00
Event: The EDHE Awards 2022
Date: 18 November (Friday)
Time: 12:30 – 16:30
Meet the Winners
Innovative Business Ideas
Mr Matimba Mabonda, founder of LolaGreen from the University of Cape Town

Existing Business – Tech
Mr Asonele Gevenga, founder of Fleeker Finance from the University of Cape Town

Existing Business – Social Impact
Ms Munashe Dzikiti, founder of eRank Play from the University of the Western Cape

Existing Business – Social Impact 1st Runner Up
Mr Sphamandla Mhlophe, founder of Allen Farm Agri from the University of the Free State

Existing Business – Social Impact 2nd Runner Up
Mr Benathi Makiyela, founder of Makiyela Recycling from the University of Fort Hare

Existing Business – General
Ms Nicoline Kriek, founder of The French Parfumerie from the University of Cape Town

Studentpreneur of the year 2022
Mr Matimba Mabonda, founder of LolaGreen from the University of Cape Town

Winners of all the categories

Winning University
University of Cape Town

Our Partners
The EDHE Awards 2022 event is aimed at announcing and celebrating the 24 national finalists in the 4th annual EDHE Entrepreneurship Intervarsity. The purpose of this competition is to identify the top student entrepreneurs at each university, showcase their businesses and invite investment into this cohort of start-ups. In the process, universities have the opportunity to demonstrate their entrepreneurship talent and how they support and grow the next generation of business leaders. We aim to continue showcasing a diverse cohort of studentpreneurs as role models from across institutions in the country.
The breakdown of the successful submissions in the different categories is as follows:
- Category 1: Innovative Business Ideas: 866
- Category 2: Existing Business: Tech: 92
- Category 3: Existing Business: Social Impact: 173
- Category 4: Existing Business: General: 546
Time and date:
EDHE Entrepreneurship Intervarsity – Thursday 17 November 2022, from 10:30 to 17:00 and The EDHE Awards 2022, Friday 18 November 2022, from 12:30 to 16:30.
The Premier Hotel OR Tambo, venue: Boeing 1-3
73 Gladiator Street, Rhodesfield, Kempton Park
EDHE Intervarsity Background
The Entrepreneurship Development in Higher Education (EDHE) programme is hosting the fourth annual national Entrepreneurship Intervarsity from February to November 2022. The competition is funded through the University Capacity Development Programme of the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) and is supported by Universities South Africa (USAf) and its partners.
The purpose of the EDHE Entrepreneurship Intervarsity is to identify the top student entrepreneurs at the South African public universities, recognise and showcase their businesses, and invite investment into this cohort of student businesses. The competition also provides opportunity for aspiring entrepreneurs in the ideation phase to pitch their innovative business ideas. In the process, universities will have the opportunity to showcase their entrepreneurial talent and demonstrate the ways in which they support and grow the next generation of business leaders.
Studentpreneurs are invited to submit their innovative ideas or existing businesses in one of the following four categories:
- Category 1: Innovative Business Ideas
- Category 2: Existing Business – Tech
- Category 3: Existing Business – Social Impact
- Category 4: Existing Business – General
Students who have an idea or business with real commercial potential, are well positioned to participate in the EDHE Entrepreneurship Intervarsity 2022. In the context of today’s competitive employment and commercial market, taking part in the national EDHE Entrepreneurship Intervarsity provides excellent exposure that broadens the horizons of studentpreneurs, introduce them to new business networks and expand their skillsets. Participants learn a lot and potentially grow in self-esteem.
Regional winners receive an exclusive invitation – travel and accommodation included – to pitch their businesses in the national finals and attend the prestigious EDHE Awards 2022. These finalists have ample opportunity to network with like-minded peers, given that they spend two days with the top studentpreneurs from across the country. In the process, valuable business connections and friendships are developed.
Category winners in the national finals not only walk away with cash prizes of R20 000 each, but also qualify for business support and mentorship to develop their business ideas and/or grow their winning businesses.
The overall winner of the EDHE Entrepreneurship Intervarsity 2022 walks away with prize money to the value of R100 000 and the coveted title of national Studentpreneur of the Year 2022.
The EDHE Entrepreneurship Intervarsity 2022 is open to university students from all of the 26 South African public universities. The competition is open to currently registered undergraduate and postgraduate students across all disciplines. Full-time and part-time students are welcome to participate.
Due to challenges in terms of scale, logistics and finances, studentpreneurs from TVET colleges can at this stage regrettably not be included in the competition. Participants have to meet the following criteria to be eligible for participation:
All categories
- Be enrolled as an undergraduate or postgraduate student for the current academic year in any of the 26 public universities at the time of submitting an entry to the competition. Both full-time and part-time enrolment is acceptable.
- Be in good academic standing, as confirmed by EDHE Entrepreneurship Intervarsity coordinators at the University in question.
- Participants who are postgraduate students are eligible to participate only if having continually been enrolled in a university following their undergraduate degree.
Categories 2 to 4
- Be the owner, founder or controlling shareholder of the existing business entered for Categories 2-4 of the competition and be principally responsible for its operation. Each business can be represented by only one person throughout the competition.
- The business entered into the competition must have been in operation for at least three consecutive months prior to entering the competition.
- The business entered into the competition must have generated an income or received some form of investment at the time of entering the competition.
Adjudication criteria will be adapted to be relevant to each category and will consistently be applied throughout the three rounds of the competition. Adjudicators will be carefully selected and will meet specific criteria. Consistency and fairness will be ensured by EDHE representatives throughout and the final round will be monitored by a qualified auditor.
In the adjudication process a number of different factors will be considered, including the following:
- Is the business model clear and feasible?
- Has the business been tested in the market yet?
- Who is the target market and how is the business positioned to reach its target market?
- How is the business different from its competitors?
- Is the business opportunity realistically achievable?
- What (if any) investment has been made in the business thus far?
- What is the amount of up-front capital investment required?
- Is there a team involved in the business and what are the roles of the different team members?
National oversight of the EDHE Entrepreneurship Intervarsity 2022 is the responsibility of a dedicated task team, consisting of one experienced and competent representative of each of the following:
- The partners and sponsors of the competition, including Allan Gray Orbis Foundation, SAB Foundation, and Entrepreneur’s Organisation (EO);
- The EDHE Studentpreneurs Community of Practice, consisting of one university-nominated studentpreneur of each university;
- The EDHE Community of Practice for Student Entrepreneurship, consisting of academics and support professionals from each university; and
- The organising team from the EDHE office at Universities South Africa (USAf).
The task team is responsible for approving the rules of the competition, the terms and conditions, the adjudication criteria for each category, and the appointment of judges for the final round of the competition.
Logistical planning and organising of internal and regional events are the responsibility of university coordinators in each institution and region respectively.
National organisation and coordination is the responsibility of the organising team from the EDHE office, and specifically Mr Sandile Shabalala.
For further information, please visit www.edhe.co.za or contact Sandile on sandile@usaf.ac.za,
+27 12 030 0674, or +27 78 1032 519 within office hours.
Contact Details
Mr Sandile Shabalala
University Coordinators
Annelie Steenkamp
Email: annelie.steenkamp@nwu.ac.za
Johann Landsberg
Email: johann.landsberg@nwu.ac.za
Dr Johan Van der Westhuizen
Email: johanvdw@vut.ac.za
Gail Motlhaudi
Email: gail.motlhaudi@spu.ac.za
Fattinald Rangongo
Email: fattinald.rangongo@spu.ac.za
Rethabile Motseki
Email: motsekir@ufs.ac.za
Ms Mamoya Khotha
Email: KhothaMR@ufs.ac.za
David Kutwane Kareli
Email: kkareli@cut.ac.za
Khanyisile Blaai
Email: nblaai@wsu.ac.za
Sabelo Malindisa
Email: smalindisa@wsu.ac.za
Tshidi Mohapeloa
Email: t.mohapeloa@ru.ac.za
Carol Dineo Diale
Email: c.diale@ru.ac.za
Karen Snyman
Email: karen.snyman@mandela.ac.za
Charnelle Davids
Email: s220011303@mandela.ac.za
Mr Athenkosi Matshini
Email: amatshini@ufh.ac.za
Ms Pangomsa Ntonjane
Email: pntonjane@ufh.ac.za
Beverly Seima
Email: beverly@tuksnovation.co.za
Christi Auret
Email: auretchristi@gmail.com
Tshegofatso Mogaladi
Email: tshegofatso.mogaladi@wits.ac.za
Neo Cindi
Email: neo.tiamo@wits.ac.za
Oageng Juliet Mokoka
Email: mokokoj@unisa.ac.za
Nthabeleng Mmako
Email: mmakonm@unisa.ac.za
Elizabeth Masoleng
Email: MasolengES@tut.ac.za
Sandra Layove
Email: LayoveJS@tut.ac.za
Caro Buitendag
Email: carob@uj.ac.za
Senoelo Nkhase
Email: senoelo.nkhase@smu.ac.za
Naledi Mathole
Email: naledi.mathole@smu.ac.za
Simphiwe Sthembile Mntambo
Email: MntamboS2@ukzn.ac.za
Ntuthuko Ndebele
Email: NdebeleN1@ukzn.ac.za
Thobani Thusi
Email: ThobaniT@dut.ac.za
Thabile Ndaba
Email: thabilen2@dut.ac.za
Thamsanqa Reginald Mtshengu
Email: MtshenguT@unizulu.ac.za
Siphesihle Nkonde
Email: NkondeS@unizulu.ac.za
Ntombifuthi Mthembu
Email: mthembu.ntombi@mut.ac.za
Miranda Mpaka
Email: mpaka@mut.ac.za
Livhuwani Nkondo
Email: livhuwani.nkondo@univen.ac.za
Makole Magoro
Email: Makole.Magoro@univen.ac.za
Ogujiuba Kanayo
Email: Kanayo.Ogujiuba@ump.ac.za
Kanayo Magoro
Nadia Waggie
Email: nadia.waggie@uct.ac.za
Wendy Mehl
Email: wmehl@uwc.ac.za
Arnelle Meyer
Email: meyerar@cput.ac.za
Daniel Maloba
Email: daniel@launchlab.africa
Event Booking Registration
Registration Due Date: 04 November 2022
Day 1: EDHE Entrepreneurship Intervarsity Finals
17 November 2022 | R50
R50.00Buy Ticket
How it Works?
The EDHE Entrepreneurship Intervarsity 2022 is open from the official launch on the 24th of February until the 03rd of April 2022. The competition consists an easy online entry and of three rounds: university internal rounds, regional rounds and the grand finale, the national final round in Gauteng in 17 November 2022.
Register and Submit your Entry
Go to www.edhe.co.za, the EDHE website and follow instructions to the registration page for the EDHE Entrepreneurship Intervarsity 2022.
Register your entry by completing and submitting the preliminary entry form. You can choose from four categories, as mentioned above.
Next you will receive a response from the competition coordinators. Entries are reviewed by the competition coordinators at each of the 26 public universities. Only those entries that meet the requirements as stated above will be accepted to participate in the internal round of the competition. Please note that only fully completed entries will be accepted.
The status of your entry can be checked in your profile menu on the website. All submitted entries are saved and can be accessed again at any time. Please note that no changes can be made once your entry has been submitted.
Internal Rounds
Participants who have received confirmation that their entries have been accepted will be shortlisted and invited to pitch their ideas or businesses in an internal university round, hosted by the coordinator/s at the university where they are registered students.
The university coordinators will communicate the date, time and format of the internal university round.
The winners of each of the four categories in the internal university rounds proceed to represent their institutions in the regional rounds – a considerable achievement already.
Participants in the regional rounds will again pitch their ideas or businesses, this time to a panel of expert judges from the region. Winners of the regional rounds will be selected by the panel of judges and will then proceed to represent their regions in the national finals.
The regions are as follows:
- Region 2: EC: RHODES, WSU, NMU, UFH
- Region 3: WC: UWC, UCT, CPUT, SU
National Final
The winner of each category from each region will qualify to participate in the national final round of the EDHE Entrepreneurship Intervarsity 2022 taking place in 17 November 2022 in Gauteng. They will be transported and accommodated for two days as the guests of EDHE, while they participate in the finals, and will be introduced to stakeholders and media at the prestigious EDHE Awards 2022. At this event, the category winners and national Studentpreneur of the Year will be announced, along with the winning university.
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