Join EDHE SEW 2023
EDHE Student Entrepreneurship Week
The national launch of #SEW2023
What is SEW?
#SEW is an opportunity for 26 public universities in SA to host their in-house programmes and campaigns to showcase their initiatives and support available around student entrepreneurship.
The aim of SEW
- Promote and strengthen the Entrepreneurial spirit amongst university students and staff across South Africa and;
- Equip all students to participate in the economy
- Showcase opportunities for students within their universities
- Highlight the best of both worlds as a student and an entrepreneur
University participation
South African 26 universities are invited to host their own in-house SEWs in celebration of student entrepreneurship. Hosting your internal SEWs from 1 August to 31 September 2023. Organisers ensure that students and staff are encouraged to look out for dates and events at their institutions, through official communication channels, but also through campus and local radio stations, on campus and social media.